Labels:book | bulletin board | chat room | earth | plant | poster | reckoner | rock | sky | trade name | waterfall | window | windowpane OCR: Features Benefits Front-loading CD -ROM skot Makes it easy to insert retrieve CD-ROM dises Lets VEMI E|K : the drive on top of or underneath vour computer saving desk spacc - - . . - 64K RAM buffer Offers inprrved High Sierta conpatibility Le:ts you play disic using either the Appl Mac intosh c:omputer that arr Hle fonnat. Applesharce SCTYTT sup LeLS susers I network acces tion on shared ApplcCD SC drive attachexd to an AppleShare Tile .erver. Lowers the the drive per uscr. ....... CD Caddy irotects clises guarding the inlegrily the recorded L information. Prrwides z convenicnt way to store disc Univerxit power supply Ensures compatibility with worllwice eleccrical stindards ... .... CD Audio Chip and CD Remote Tets you play o!PIe CDs whei not desk working with CO -KOM even while VOI worki ...